Tuesday 17 September 2013

Shot List

Shot List
Here is a shot list of my music video:
  • ·         The music starts and we see a girl walk out of her house and down the hill towards town.
  • ·         Cut to a shot of her feet walking past the camera.
  • ·         We follow her into town as she goes into a shop.
  • ·         As we see her shopping / looking at an item we see a dark figure looming in the background.
  • ·         She buys the item and leaves.
  • ·         She walks down the street and the dark figure follows.
  • ·         She looks back and he is a normal person.
  • ·         She carries on walking.
  • ·         She looks at him again and he’s wearing a mask (showing that he has become one of the fears).
  • ·         She starts to run away from him.
  • ·         She is chased down the street.
  • ·         The girl sees an alleyway or a building and runs into it.
  • ·         She appears in a school corridor.
  • ·         The girl looks at her arms and realises that there is writing on it.
  • ·         She walks through the school looking into empty classrooms.
  • ·         She turns round a corner and walks corridor.
  • ·         A door opens and a person walks out in a PLAIN mask.
  • ·         Other doors open down the corridor and people wearing plain masks appear however there is one that is different and he is the ‘boss’ of this area.
  • ·         They creepily walk towards her putting their hands on the walk trying to grab her.
  • ·         She backs off and runs away.
  • ·         The girl now appears in a bedroom.
  • ·         As this is a new area more words have appeared onto her arms.
  • ·         She hears something and makes her way downstairs.
  • ·         A ‘party’ is going on, there are people sitting around gambling and doing bad things.
  • ·         There are 2 bosses here; she is scared / horrified of what she’s seeing.
  • ·         Someone gets up and offers her a drink.
  • ·         She drinks it.
  • ·         The girl falls over unconscious.
  • ·         She wakes up in another room.
  • ·         Her arms and now almost fully covered in writing.
  • ·         She sits up and sees messages on the wall.
  • ·         She looks round and sees messages on all of the walls.
  • ·         She starts to go mad and sees someone in the corner; it is one of the final bosses.
  • ·         She stops in front of the tree staring in awe.
  • ·         The camera spins round to show she has a mask on.

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