Friday 26 October 2012

Mind Map / Planning of Russian-Roulette

Planning of Russian-Roulette

Yesterday in class we were asked to create a mind map of our idea, and write about it under the following headings:

·         Genre: Action and Adventure, Horror, Thriller

·         The Plot: Treatment

·         Costumes and Props: Mask, Knife, Black Jacket for Killer

·         Sound Style: Contrast between lullaby to the rock chase music

·         Stylistic Influences: The Dark Knight; the Joker and how his identity is hidden by a 'mask'

·         Visual Style: Dark to start with, jumpy cuts

·         Key Locations: Underpass, Playground, Town?

·         Key Characters (Names and Types): Cyrus: Good looking, Quiet, Smart
                                                                        Lily: Blonde, Beautiful.

After writing about my idea under these headings I learnt and understood more of what I would like to do and the ideas I may want to include. It also gave me a very basic structure of what this film opening will be like and what it is about.

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